Saturday, December 31, 2011

This year was UK's second-warmest ever (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? The year 2011 was Britain's second-warmest ever, the Met Office said on Friday, although temperatures in December have in fact been close to average.

The mean temperature so far this month has been 4.7 degrees Celsius (40.5 degrees Fahrenheit), 0.5 above the 1971-2000 average, a far cry from 2010, when temperatures were 5 degrees below average to notch up the coldest December on record.

"While it may have felt mild for many so far this December, temperatures overall have been close to what we would expect," said John Prior, national climate manager at the Met Office.

"It may be that the stark change from last year, which was the coldest December on record for the UK, has led many to think it has been unseasonably warm."

This year marked a return to a trend of warmer than average annual temperatures, the Met Office said, noting that all the UK's top seven warmest years have happened in the last decade. The warmest was 2006.

It was the warmest April and Spring on record in 2011, and the second warmest Autumn on record.

The highest single-day temperature for October was also broken -- with Gravesend in Kent notching up 29.9 degrees on Oct 1, beating the previous record of 29.4 at March in Cambridgeshire on October 1 1985.

The top temperature of the year was 33.1 on 27 June at Gravesend, which was the warmest temperature recorded in the UK for five years. Britain's hottest-ever mark came in the Summer of 2003 when the record of 38.1 degrees was reached, again in Gravesend.

There were some marked variations in rainfall in 2011.

Scotland had its wettest year on record, beating the previous record set in 1990 but some parts of England have had very low levels of rainfall. East Anglia had its second driest year on record and the Midlands its third driest.

(Reporting by Stephen Addison; editing by Peter Griffiths)


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Stanford University archives offer window into Apple’s roots

Published: Fri, December 30, 2011 @ 12:00 a.m.

Associated Press


In the interview, Steve Wozniak and the late Steve Jobs recall a seminal moment in Silicon Valley history ? how they named their upstart computer company some 35 years ago.

?I remember driving down Highway 85,? Wozniak says. ?We?re on the freeway, and Steve mentions, ?I?ve got a name: Apple Computer.? We kept thinking of other alternatives to that name, and we couldn?t think of anything better.?

Adds Jobs: ?And also remember that I worked at Atari, and it got us ahead of Atari in the phone book.?

The interview, recorded for an in-house video for company employees in the mid-1980s, was among a storehouse of materials Apple had been collecting for a company museum. But in 1997, soon after Jobs returned to the company, Apple officials contacted Stanford University and offered to donate the collection to the school?s Silicon Valley Archives.

Within a few days, Stanford curators were at Apple headquarters in nearby Cupertino, packing two moving trucks full of documents, books, software, videotapes and marketing materials that now make up the core of Stanford?s Apple Collection.

The collection, the largest assembly of Apple historical materials, can help historians, entrepreneurs and policymakers understand how a startup launched in a Silicon Valley garage became a global technology giant.

The collection is stored in hundreds of boxes taking up more than 600 feet of shelf space at the Stanford?s off-campus storage facility. The Associated Press visited the climate-controlled warehouse on the outskirts of the San Francisco Bay area but agreed not to disclose its location.

Interest in Apple and its founder has grown dramatically since Jobs died in October at age 56, just weeks after he stepped down as CEO and handed the reins to Tim Cook. Jobs? death sparked an international outpouring and marked the end of an era for Apple and Silicon Valley.

?Apple as a company is in a very, very select group,? said Stanford curator Henry Lowood. ?It survived through multiple generations of technology. To the credit of Steve Jobs, it meant reinventing the company at several points.?

Apple scrapped its own plans for a corporate museum after Jobs returned as CEO and began restructuring the financially struggling firm, Lowood said.

Job?s return, more than a decade after he was forced out of the company he co-founded, marked the beginning of one of the great comebacks in business history. It led to a long string of blockbuster products ? including the iPod, iPhone and iPad ? that have made Apple one of the world?s most profitable brands.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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A venda 'inventada' pelos blogueiros - UOL confessa: Livro de Amaury Ribeiro alcan?ou o topo no ranking dos +vendidos maria_fro

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

JAPAN: Mothers Rise Against Nuclear Power

TOKYO, Dec 22, 2011 (IPS) - Japan?s nuclear power industry, which once ignored opposition, now finds its existence threatened by women angered by official opaqueness on radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was struck by an earthquake- driven tsunami on Mar. 11.

"Mothers are at the forefront of various grassroots movements that are working together to stop the operation of all nuclear plants in Japan from 2012," Aileen Miyoko Smith, head of Green Action, a non- governmental organisation (NGO) that promotes renewable energy told IPS.

More than 100 anti-nuclear demonstrators, most of them women, met with officials of the Nuclear Safety Commission this week and handed over a statement calling for a transparent investigation into the accident and a permanent shutdown of all nuclear power plants.

Currently six of Japan?s 56 nuclear plants are closed, some for stress tests after the Fukushima accident exposed serious breaches of safety precautions in the nuclear power industry.

More than 150,000 people remain unable to return home because of high levels of radiation in the Fukushima vicinity. There is now evidence that contamination has spread to rice and vegetables grown in nearby farming areas, and found its way into baby food products on supermarket shelves.

Japanese authorities announced last week that the devastated Fukushima Daiichi complex has been brought down to a state of cold shutdown.

"The first stage of controlling the terrible accident has been achieved. The government will follow a road map which in 30?40 years will make Fukushima safe again," said Goshi Hosono, minister of state for nuclear power policy and administration.

Speaking to the press, he explained that there is now no nuclear activity in the Fukushima nuclear reactors emitting radiation.

Power companies and government officials have also pledged to enforce safety regulations strictly and to ensure transparency.

Smith views the latest announcements as a warning. "We are stepping up our activism to ensure that the government and power industries, now eager to create a notion of security, will not restart nuclear plants," she said.

Indeed, groups of women, braving a cold winter, have been setting up tents since last week preparing for a new sit-in campaign in front of the ministry of economic affairs.

The women have pledged to continue their demonstration for 10 months and 10 days, traditionally reckoned in Japan as a full term that covers a pregnancy.

"Our protests are aimed at achieving a rebirth in Japanese society," said Chieko Shina, a participant, and a grandmother from Fukushima. "There is a need to change the way the authorities have run the country by putting economic growth ahead of protecting the lives of people."

Experts view the ongoing protests as a landmark in Japan?s fledgling social movements long consigned to the sidelines of a prosperous and hardworking society that puts a premium on achievement and success.

"The ongoing demonstrations symbolise the determination of ordinary people who do not want nuclear power because it is dangerous. There is also the bigger message that we do not trust the government any more," said Takanobu Kobayashi, who manages the Matsudo network of citizens? movements.

Distrust stems primarily from the fact that the meltdown of the Fukushima reactors was not reported to the public immediately, causing huge health risks to the local population from radiation leaks.

Internet sites have recorded hundreds of thousands of comments by people expressing disbelief over assurances put out by the government or officials from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima plant, on nuclear safety.

The accident also broke the myth of safety of nuclear power plants that authorities had maintained for decades to gain public support as the country embarked on massive nuclear power programmes.

Faced with public anger, the government and TEPCO have acknowledged mismanagement and promised major reforms.

Prof. Hideo Nakazawa, a sociologist at Chuo University, describes the ongoing protests as both a display of resentment against authority as well the use of nuclear power.

"Demonstrations have reached cities, taking the nuclear issue to the forefront of civil movements in Japan," he told IPS. He added that the lack of involvement of political parties in the anti-nuclear movement contrasts with the older pattern that had strong leftist leanings.

The leadership of women in civic movements is also unprecedented. Mothers have been leading the demonstrations, with many of them coming out for the first time to gain sympathy and support for their campaign to prevent exposing children to the dangers of radiation.

"Japanese civic movements have languished on the margins mostly because of the cold shoulder treatment they have received in society. These barriers are being broken now," explained Nakazawa.

Parliamentarian Mizuho Fukushima, one of Japan?s leading female politicians and an active participant in the anti-nuclear demonstrations, told IPS that the protests against nuclear power are not going to die down.

"Forcing changes to stop nuclear power in Japan is very possible," said Fukushima, chair of the Social Democratic Party of Japan since 2003. (END)


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Berenson says she was barred from leaving Peru

FILE - U.S. political activist Lori Berenson speaks to The Associated Press at her home in Lima, Peru, in this Nov. 9, 2010 file photo. Paroled U.S. activist Lori Berenson was headed for New York early Saturday Dec. 17, 2011 after a Peruvian court ruled she and her toddler son could travel there for the holidays, airport security officials said. (AP Photo/Karel Navarro, File)

FILE - U.S. political activist Lori Berenson speaks to The Associated Press at her home in Lima, Peru, in this Nov. 9, 2010 file photo. Paroled U.S. activist Lori Berenson was headed for New York early Saturday Dec. 17, 2011 after a Peruvian court ruled she and her toddler son could travel there for the holidays, airport security officials said. (AP Photo/Karel Navarro, File)

(AP) ? Paroled U.S. activist Lori Berenson said Saturday that she and her toddler son were not permitted to leave Peru despite being granted permission in court to spend the holidays in New York with her family.

"They didn't let me leave and they're putting out this version that I arrived late," she said in a brief phone conversation with The Associated Press, referring to media reports citing unnamed airport officials.

Her lawyer, Anibal Apari, accused the government of making an arbitrary political decision to halt her departure. He said it had provided no official explanation for not allowing Berenson to board a New York-bound flight the previous night.

"An abuse of authority has been committed," Apari told the AP. "Administratively, you can't block a court order."

Phone calls to Interior Ministry officials seeking an explanatoin were not immediately returned.

Berenson, who was paroled last year after serving 15 years for aiding leftist rebels, was given permission to leave the country beginning Friday with the stipulation that she return by Jan. 11.

She had been denied such permission in October, but a three-judge appeals court on Wednesday overturned the lower court judge's ruling.

Peru's anti-terrorism prosecutor, Julio Galindo, told the AP that he had on Friday asked the court that approved Berenson's leave to nullify the decision because it violated a law prohibiting paroled prisoners from leaving the country.

He said he did not know if the court had acted on his appeal and Peru's courts spokesman, Guillermo Gonzalez, said he had no information on the matter.

Galindo's move was precisely the kind of action feared by Berenson's parents, who did not respond to phone calls seeking comment on Saturday.

The prosecutor had opposed letting Berenson out of prison before her 20-year sentence for aiding terrorism ends in 2015, arguing that it would set a bad precedent for the early release of others convicted of terrorism-related crimes.

Berenson's father Mark told the AP on Friday that he was "petrified" that negative local reaction could prevent the trip, including celebrating his 70th birthday Dec. 29.

"My worry is that there's going to be screaming to stop this," he said. Some Peruvians consider his daughter a terrorist and have publicly insulted her on the street.

Mark Berenson said his daughter had every intention of returning to Peru.

"As Lori says, if she doesn't come home, let Interpol arrest her," Mark Berenson said.

Peru could seek her extradition and return her to prison if she doesn't return in the allotted time, Gonzalez said.

A local TV station displayed video on Friday night of Berenson pacing nervously in front of a ticket counter, wearing a bulky black backpack, with Salvador in a stroller beside her. She wore pants and a brown polo shirt.

Berenson has been repeatedly hounded and mobbed by Peruvian news media, which has occasionally frightened young Salvador. Last month, one TV channel obtained her new address and showed video of her home.

"It was very dangerous," Mark Berenson said. "The (U.S.) Embassy complained."

"It's just not fair to Salvador or to her," he said. "They used her like she's a celebrity and she just wants to be a low-profile person and get on with her life and be a good citizen."

He said he would appeal to President Ollanta Humala to send his daughter home.

Humala could by law commute her sentence but has not indicated whether he might do so. The AP sought presidential palace comment but its calls were not returned.

Lori Berenson is separated from Salvador's father, Anibal Apari, whom she met in prison and who serves as her lawyer.

Mark Berenson said his daughter is looking forward to seeing relatives she hasn't met since her 20s, including his 96-year-old aunt, and that he wants his grandson, who loves trees, see the New York Botanical Garden's holiday display.

Since her initial parole in May 2010, Lori Berenson repeatedly expressed regret for aiding the rebel Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.

Arrested in 1995, the former MIT student was accused of helping the rebels plan an armed takeover of Congress, an attack that never happened.

A military court convicted her the following year and sentenced her to life in prison for sedition. But after intense U.S. government pressure, she was retried in civil courts in 2001 and sentenced to 20 years for terrorist collaboration.

Berenson was unrepentant at the time of her arrest, but softened during years of sometimes harsh prison conditions, eventually being praised as a model prisoner.

Yet she is viewed by many as a symbol of the 1980-2000 rebel conflict that claimed some 70,000 lives. The fanatical Maoist Shining Path movement did most of the killing, while Tupac Amaru was a lesser player.

Berenson has acknowledged helping the rebels rent a safe house, where authorities seized a cache of weapons. But she insists she didn't know guns were being stored there. She denies ever belonging to Tupac Amaru or engaging in violent acts.

In an interview with the AP last year, Berenson said she was deeply troubled at having become Peru's "face of terrorism."

Its most famous prisoner, she also became a politically convenient scapegoat, she said.


Associated Press writer Franklin Briceno contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Obama a fan of "Boardwalk Empire," "Homeland"

(AP) ? President Barack Obama says he's a fan of two popular cable TV shows: HBO's "Boardwalk Empire" and Showtime's "Homeland."

First lady Michelle Obama and their daughters, 13-year-old Malia and 10-year-old Sasha, enjoy ABC's "Modern Family."

The president and first lady talked about life in the White House in an interview with People Magazine.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 16, 2011

China investigates SKorean embassy's broken window (AP)

BEIJING ? China said Wednesday it is increasing security around South Korea's embassy in Beijing after a window was broken there amid tensions over allegations in South Korea that a Chinese fisherman fatally stabbed a coast guard officer.

South Korea's news agency Yonhap cited an anonymous official as saying it was unclear if the broken window was related to the stabbing death this week in South Korean waters. Some Chinese have accused South Korea of bullying their country's fishermen.

The Yonhap report said the embassy was hit by a metal ball believed fired from an air gun Tuesday afternoon. No one was hurt.

An embassy press officer surnamed Zheng said it was unclear what caused the hole in the window.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said Wednesday that authorities "take this incident seriously and are sparing no time in investigating it," but that initial inspections showed the embassy was not damaged by a gunshot. China is increasing the numbers of police officers and enhancing security patrols around the embassy, Liu said.

South Korea's Foreign Ministry said it formally asked China on Wednesday to beef up security around their Beijing embassy to prevent further incidents. Such a request is not very unusual between countries, the ministry said.

Tensions have risen since South Korean officials said Monday that the Chinese captain of a boat suspected of illegally fishing in South Korean waters killed one coast guard officer and wounded another.

On Tuesday in Seoul, protesters at the Chinese Embassy defaced a Chinese flag and a newspaper called the Chinese fishermen "pirates."

A commentary published in China's Global Times on Wednesday accused South Korean's media of misleading the public and said the fishermen were not "an arrogant group of bandits."

The Foreign Ministry's Liu said Wednesday that bilateral relations between the countries would not be affected.


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Polar adventurers, scientists and the prime minister of Norway gathered at the bottom of the world Wednesday to mark the 100th anniversary of explorer Roald Amundsen becoming the first to reach the South Pole.


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