Friday, August 30, 2013

Analysis: Why Wall Street doesn't blink at extra $30 billion for Verizon Wireless

By Sinead Carew

NEW YORK (Reuters) - It's not often that Wall Street shrugs off what amounts to a 30 percent price hike for an asset inside of four months.

But that is what happened to Verizon Communications Inc when news broke that it is in talks to buy out Vodafone Group Plc's 45 percent stake in their U.S. wireless venture for up to $130 billion, up from the $100 billion price range that it was considering back in April.

Verizon shares closed 2.7 percent higher on Thursday as investors took in stride the prospect of the company taking on tens of billions of dollars in debt to fund such a deal.

For years, Verizon has made no secret of its ambitions to own all of Verizon Wireless - the top U.S. mobile service provider - because it has the best customer growth rate and profitability of any telecom company in the country. But concern around overpaying for an asset that it already controls has always gotten in the way.

Analysts saw three big motivating factors to support a deal now: rising interest rates, rapidly intensifying competition and a 12 percent drop in Verizon's shares since April.

If these trends continue, and analysts expect they will, a deal gets that much more expensive for Verizon to pull off.

"With interest rates rising, Verizon and Vodafone are cognizant of the fact that they have a narrow window to get this deal done," said New Street analyst Jonathan Chaplin.

Vodafone has confirmed it is in talks with Verizon but declined to give details. Verizon declined to comment.

The U.S. Federal Reserve has said it expects to begin scaling back its monthly purchases of government and mortgage-backed debt with an aim to eventually ending the practice next year. The expectation that this policy shift may come as soon as September has already lifted long-term interest rates.

In such a rate environment, a deal for Verizon Wireless will only get more expensive the longer Verizon waits. Already, Verizon can expect to pay several hundred million dollars more in annual interest rate payments today than it would have expected to pay in April.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year US Treasury note has risen about 1 percentage point to 2.76 percent.


Even with the higher interest rate costs, Macquarie analyst Kevin Smithen estimated that buying the rest of Verizon Wireless could still increase Verizon's 2014 earnings per share by 14.7 percent. But if Verizon had done a $130 billion deal earlier this year, when its share price was higher and interest rates were lower, that increase would have been more like 21.8 percent, according to Smithen.

"If price was the only sticking point, we're not sure why Verizon didn't pull the trigger earlier," said Smithen.

Verizon, which currently leads the U.S. pack in wireless customer growth and profitability, needs new ways to grow as the U.S. market slows because most people already own smartphones, and competition is intensifying rapidly.

Thanks in part to aggressive marketing, No. 4 U.S. mobile operator T-Mobile US started reporting net subscriber growth in the second quarter after years of losses to rivals such as Verizon Wireless. Sprint Corp is also expected to become a tougher rival as it beefs up its network and now has the backing of majority owner SoftBank Corp .

"Verizon would like to have total control of this asset, particularly as we're getting into a more competitive environment," said S&P analyst James Moorman. "When you look at the value of this asset it makes sense to get it in house."

Still, such a deal is not without risk as it would saddle Verizon with a heavy debt burden that could tie up its cash flow. Craig Moffett of Moffett Research was more hesitant about the merits of such a huge deal at a time when growth is slowing in the U.S. wireless market.

Because the United States has been one of the best wireless growth markets in the world and Verizon has been a leader, it is unlikely to face much more improvement to its business, he said.

"There is little prospect for things getting materially better for Verizon Wireless, and a meaningful chance that things get worse," Moffett said.

The downside to swallowing such a high price tag is it might make it tough for Verizon to bid in upcoming spectrum auctions, leaving the coast clear for rivals like AT&T Inc , noted New Street's Chaplin.

But he said investors would likely still prefer to see Verizon buying "the best asset globally in telecom."

"Its worth $130 billion," he said.

Analysts also point out that full ownership of Verizon Wireless would automatically boost Verizon cash flow without it having to make any strategic changes.

With Verizon Wireless' free cash flow of $28.6 billion last year, RBC Capital Markets analyst Doug Colandrea said Verizon has the ability to pay back debt "very rapidly."

(Additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Editing by Edward Tobin and Tim Dobbyn)


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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Assam Gorkha students? Union only to lend ?moral support? to Gorkhaland demand

TNT News

The All Assam Gorkha Students? Union (AAGSU) after discussing the current geo political situations of Assam including various statehood demands in its extended executive meeting, and the Gorkhaland movement being renewed, has decided to give only ?moral support? to Gorkhaland movement.
As all the demands are constitutional and within the mainframe of The Constitution of India, the AAGSU shall lent conditional support after the Bi-nenial Conference of AAGSU scheduled in December 2013 however it extended its solidarity as constituent member organization of Ethnic Organizations of Assam. The meeting inducted Uma Nath Genwali as Vice President of the AAGSU as a nominee from Rabha Hasong area proposed by Goalpara District Committee AAGSU. The meeting also decided on appoint District Observers in next core executive and organize a special delegate session of Gorkha Women Council,Assam and Gorkha Autonomous Council Demand Committee (GACDC) followed AAGSU?s executive meeting on 28th and 29thSeptember 2013.
?From reliable sources we have been informed that fraud group lead by Birendra Subba and Keshab Sharma as self claimed president and secretary of the AAGSU respectively is organizing a rally favoring Gorkhaland on 28th Aug 2013 from Nepali Mandir Paltan Bazar to Lakshidhar Bora Kshetra, Ambari in the name of All Assam Gorkha Students? Union (AAGSU) and we have verified the matter with district administration and have informed them that the All Assam Gorkha Students? Union (AAGSU) is not organizing any protest march or sit in demonstration in support of Gorkhaland in Guwahati?, said AAGSU president Udoy Singh Limboo

The AAGSU president further added, ?We would like to draw kind attention of the general public, Gorkha students and youths, district administration and friends in the media that this group is a self styled AAGSU splinter of constitutionally governed AAGSU and self pro-claimed president and gen secy were vice presidents of AAGSU. As this is a completely unconstitutional body hence there is every possibility that there may arise a case of violence as the AAGSU will object the rally and try to stop the rally organized the unconstitutional splinter group. The AAGSU has lent its moral support to the Gorkhaland agitation in North Bengal and does not find it necessary to organize a rally for the same at a time when Assam is undergoing political turmoil and so much of unrest due various statehood and other demands of several organizations. AAGSU favours a peaceful and respectable negotiation talks with all the organizations of Assam as a constituent member organization of Ethnic Organisations of Assam as per resolution adopted in the recent Guwahati meeting along with long pending demand of creation Gorkha Autonomus Council (GAC) in Assam that the AAGSU had raised since 2003. Gorkhaland was never the demand of AAGSU since its birth in 1976 but had lent moral support in all the Gorkhaland movement led by various groups time and again.?


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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Miami: Dos cuentos que se repiten. Por L?zaro Fari?as*

Por L?zaro Fari?as*/Foto Virgilio Ponce -Martianos-Hermes-Cubainformaci?n.- En?este mes de agosto?ocurrieron en Miami dos hechos que, por su importancia, son dignos de comentar.? Ambos hechos no tienen nada en com?n, pero en art?culos recientes he escrito sobre ellos, separadamente.? Uno es la corrupci?n de los pol?ticos en Miami Dade y otro el excesivo uso de la fuerza por parte de las autoridades policiacas en este condado floridano. Por supuesto que los comentarios que he hecho sobre estos temas han sido con la intenci?n de que los amigos y enemigos que leen lo que escribo escuchen una visi?n cr?tica de sucesos que no deber?an pasar, pero que, desgraciadamente, pasan en esta comunidad. Es verdad que es como llover sobre lo mojado cuando se comentan hechos como los aqu? ocurridos recientemente, pero es mejor que se forme un lago a que se forme un desierto. Adem?s, nada cambia porque se comenten los hechos cuando ocurren, ya que, no se ha terminado de escribir sobre un caso, cuando alguno m?s o menos similar vuelve a ocurrir.

La Polic?a Federal FBI arrest?, acus?ndolos de corrupci?n, a dos alcaldes de dos diferentes ciudades del Condado el mismo d?a, y junto con ellos, a dos conocidos cabilderos.? A uno de ellos lo conoc?a personalmente y aunque siempre me pareci? medio p?caro, en ning?n momento me pas? por la mente que fuera un mentecato. El hombre ten?a una muy buena posici?n econ?mica, ya que es due?o de un pr?spero negocio que le rinde una buena cantidad de dinero y por lo tanto, sin necesidad alguna de cometer un delito econ?mico. Resulta que las autoridades le pusieron una trampa y como el ratoncito P?rez, cay? en la olla por la golosina de una cebolla. ?Qu? hizo?, nada menos que pedir pr?stamos federales para quedarse con una comisi?n sobre los mismos. Demostr? ser un delincuente y adem?s un mentecato al no darse cuenta de que todo era una trampa de la polic?a federal. El otro, el que no conozco personalmente y del cual no s? nada de su situaci?n econ?mica, fue a?n m?s barat?n y por una m?sera cantidad de dinero en comisi?n, le pas? lo mismo y cay? en la trampa tendida por el FBI. El d?o de delincuentes ya est? en la calle en espera del d?a del juicio despu?s de pagar una inmensa cantidad de dinero en fianzas.

Dos alcaldes verdaderamente queridos? por sus comunidades, llevados esposados, avergonzados y desprestigiados, ante las c?maras de televisi?n, dos casos m?s en la larga fila de esc?ndalos de corrupci?n pol?tica en esta ciudad en la cual esto? parece ser una epidemia que, desgraciadamente, nunca termina.

El otro caso es el asesinato por parte de la polic?a de Miami Beach, otra de las ciudades del Condado Miami Dade, de un jovencito colombiano, estudiante de un pre-universitario local.? El muchacho, un flaquito de apenas 120 libras de peso, pintaba ilegalmente sobre las paredes de un edificio abandonado de la ciudad cuando fue descubierto por la polic?a y se ech? a correr.? Uno de los polic?as? que lo persegu?an lo logr? alcanzar y le dispar? con una pistola el?ctrica, de las conocidas como Taser, derrumb?ndolo, dej?ndolo inconsciente, sin tan siquiera poder llegar vivo al hospital. ?Qu? les parece? La polic?a, para poder detener a un flaquito de 120 libas de peso, dispar?ndole con una pistola el?ctrica que, cuando choca con el cuerpo humano, este recibe una descarga de 400 voltios de electricidad que sirven para paralizar a una persona de trescientas libras. ?Brutalidad policial?? Hasta el momento, el polic?a que hizo el disparo el?ctrico fue suspendido, con paga, mientras se lleva a cabo la investigaci?n.? No s? qu? habr? que investigar. Cuentan varios amigos del muchacho, que estaban de testigos presentes, que los polic?as se re?an entre ellos, felicit?ndose por la captura, mientras el muchacho, inconsciente, estaba tirado en el suelo. ?Derechos humanos? La Uni?n Americana de Derechos Civiles est? pidiendo una investigaci?n profunda.? La polic?a de Miami Beach le ha pedido a la polic?a del Estado que haga dicha investigaci?n y por supuesto, se har? la investigaci?n, pero estoy completamente seguro, debido a experiencias anteriores, que los resultados de la misma no va a llevar ante los tribunales al polic?a que le dispar? al jovencito, y que a este, lo m?s que le podr? pasar, es que lo boten del cuerpo policial, y aqu? paz y en el cielo gloria.

Los alcaldes delincuentes, lo m?s probable es que cumplan unos cuantos a?os en una de esas instituciones carcelarias de este pa?s que, por su comodidad, son conocidas por Country Clubs. El polic?a, en el peor de los casos, se quedar? sin trabajo. ?Y el dinero robado? ?Y la vida del muchacho? ?Y los derechos humanos?

*L?zaro Fari?as, periodista cubano residente en EE.UU.

Enviado por el autor a: Martianos-Hermes-Cubainformaci?n

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