Monday, January 23, 2012

Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup

This week, Rick Perry closed out his presidential run while Newt Gingrich's second ex-wife claimed he'd wanted an open marriage -- and President Obama brought down the house at the Apollo by revealing his heretofore hidden inner-Al Green. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney, unable to counter the hardening narrative that he's a tone deaf, out of touch mega-millionaire, didn't help matters with his response to being asked about his tax returns. When you are being booed for lack of financial transparency by a GOP debate crowd, odds are you've probably royally screwed up. It's never a good idea -- and especially not this year -- to be seen as completely out of touch with the economic concerns of ordinary Americans. Perhaps as he hobbles into Florida, he'll be helped by a shadowy new super PAC, Rich Kids for Romney (see the group's first ad here).

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